Friday, April 9, 2010

This and That...

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. Why does our time get filled up with so much "stuff"? I am so looking forward to spring break next week. We all need a break, moms and kids, don't we?

So, Easter has come and gone. I can't believe it. We had nice visits with family and wonderful worship services at church during this Easter season. Of course, there was lots of yummy chocolate bunnies and Robin's Eggs. I seriously have a problem with the little speckled malted-milk eggs. I think I ate at least 10 bags and several of the little cartons they come in. So sad!

I also finished up my women's spring Bible study. It was absolutely wonderful. If you haven't done "Experiencing God" by Henry and Richard Blackaby, I highly recommend you do. So many people get hung up today on the word "religion". Jesus didn't die on the cross so we could have religion. He died so that we could have a personal relationship with Him. There is a big difference between religion and relationship. This study is all about developing that loving relationship with our Savior.

My baby also turned six years old recently. I honestly cannot believe it. I feel like she was just a tiny infant with colic, and I do mean COLIC! This child screamed nonstop for three months straight! It is something I will never forget. Nothing I would do could soothe her. At that three-month mark, she turned into a happy, smiling, bundle of pure joy. And, now she's six and in kindergarten.
